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Choice Boards

Page history last edited by Angela Cunningham 15 years, 5 months ago


A choice board offers students a way to make decisions about what they will do in order to meet class requirements.  A choice board could be for a single lesson, a week-long lesson, or even a month-long period of study.  In order to create a choice board:


  • Identify the most important elements of a lesson or unit. 
  • Create a required assignment or project that reflects the minimum understanding you expect all students to achieve.
  • Create negotiables which expand upon the minimum understands.  These negotiables often require students to go beyond the basic levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. 
  • Create a final optional section that requires students the opportunity for enrichment.  The optional section often reflects activities that students can use for extra credit.


from Fair Isn't Always Equal: Assessing and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom by Rick Wormeli

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