

This version was saved 17 years ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Angela Cunningham
on February 10, 2008 at 2:29:17 pm


When a teacher tries to teach something to the entire class at the same time, "chances are, one-third of the kids already know it; one-third will get it; and the remaining third won't.  So two-thirds of the chidren are wasting their time."  --Scott Willis



What is Differentiated Instruction?


Adjusting the curriculum, teaching strategies, and classroom environment to better meet the needs of all students.  In a differentiated classroom:

  • Student differences shape the curriculum
  • Pre-assessment is typical and frequent
  • Multiple options for students are offered
  • There is variable pacing
  • Varied grading criteria are used
  • Individual efforts and growth is honored


from How to Differentiate Mixed-Ability Classrooms by Carol-Ann Tomlinson



How do I differentiate?






What do I differentiate?





Go to the Strategies page to learn more.



How can I learn more?

Free Online Differentiated Instruction Course

Differentiated Instruction PowerPoint from 2/6/08 Professional Learning Community Meeting



The Bullitt Central community dedicates itself to providing quality instruction which assures that all students succeed at a high level, according to state and national standards, in an atmosphere of PRIDE.


Bullitt Central High School

Highway 44 East

Shepherdsville, KY 40165

(502) 543-7021


Please send questions or comments concerning this wiki to Mrs. Angela Cunningham.



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