The Layered-Curriculum approach features a 3-layer model that requires students to use higher level thinking skills as they work through the layers. The layers are often connected to grades:
- The C Layer is the basic layer of competency and reflects what all students must do. If students successfully complete the tasks required in the C Layer, they earn a C grade. These activities typically ask students to collect factual information.
- The B Layer provides students with the opportunity to apply, manipulate, and play with the information they gathered while completing the C Layer activities. Students who successfully complete the C and B Layers can earn a B grade.
- The A Layer asks students to think critically about an issue. It consists of questions that ask students to analyze a topic. frequently, no right or wrong answer exists. Students who successfully complete C, B, and A Layers can earn an A grade.
From Differentiating the High School Classroom: Solution Strategies for 18 Common Obstacles by Kathy Nunley
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